Maximpact Blog

Refugee Kids Quicker Than Adults at Languages

As millions of displaced people move around the world in search of safer lives, learning the language of their adopted homes is a skill best acquired young. Scientists say there appears to be a critical period for language learning, although the length of this period and its underlying causes remain to be unraveled.

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Refugee Gardens: Hope Planted in Exile

In this, the eighth year of the Syrian War, life in Syrian refugee camps is undermined by trauma, poverty and homesickness. Yet in Jordan’s Zaatari camp, green sprouts of hope are shooting up.

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EU Helps Turkey Shelter Four Million Refugees

Almost four million registered refugees live in Turkey – Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans, Iranians, and Somalis, among others – making Turkey the country with the highest number of refugees in the world. Almost half of them are children.

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EU Helps Turkey Shelter Four Million Refugees

Eyad and his family fled their home in Syria’s Aleppo countryside in February 2017, during the Bashar al Assad regime’s recapture of the city. “The bombing was unbearable,” he explains. “I saw death with my own eyes. I don’t want my children to witness this.”

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Sustainable Tourism in an Unstable Political World

2017 is the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, the UN General Assembly has declared, but as Donald Trump takes over the helm of the United States with his natural resources extraction agenda, and the European Union gets used to the idea of life without Great Britain, can sustainable tourism thrive?

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