Maximpact Blog

Greener EU Buildings Open Low-Carbon Pathways to 2050

PARIS, France, January 14, 2023 ( Sustainability News) – Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in European buildings and construction have ballooned to an all-time high from lower levels during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, this economic sector accounted for over 34 percent of energy demand and 37 percent of energy and process-related CO2 emissions – now the European Union is urgently activating a new strategy.

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Athletes to Revive Biodiversity With Sports for Nature Framework

The International Olympic Committee, IOC, and 22 other global sports organisations have signed the first-ever Sports for Nature Framework as a separate initiative linked to the Convention on Biological Diversity’s new agreement adopted in Montreal on Monday to protect 30 percent of Earth’s land, water and oceans by 2030.

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Nature-based Solutions Key to Millions of Green Jobs

Twenty million new jobs could be generated worldwide if investment in nature-based solutions were tripled by 2030, a target the United Nations calls a key step toward achieving the world’s biodiversity, land restoration and climate goals. But the transition must be “just,” greening the economy in a way that is fair and inclusive, leaving no one behind.

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Meeting on the Green Side Is Easier Than Ever

Meeting on the Green Side Is Easier Than Ever

BONN, Germany, October 23, 2022 – Meetings, gatherings, conferences, summits, festivals, forums, caucuses, councils – large and small, events can be a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impacts. Now a new, free online tool offers user-friendly solutions that can be used to lower greenhouse gas emissions and help reach climate goals.

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Plastic Medical Waste Floods the Planet

GENEVA, Switzerland, February 16, 2022 ( News) – Medical waste from the coronavirus pandemic is accumulating around the world, threatening human and environmental health, revealing the need to improve waste management, and accelerating planning for a global treaty on plastics.

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Climate-Safe World Means Millions of New Energy Jobs

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, July 19, 2021 ( News) – “We have no time. The window is closing and the pathway to a net-zero future is narrowing.” With these warning words, Francesco La Camera, who heads the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), opened his Foreword to IRENA’s latest analysis, “World Energy Transitions Outlook.”

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Africa Takes Action Against Plastic Pollution

Kenya’s national government and the country’s 47 lower level county governments are jointly establishing a plastic waste management program – one that could be scaled and replicated across the East African community and beyond. It’s just the latest step in Kenya’s evolving journey from a plastic-strewn country to one of the cleanest in Africa.

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Vote for 2018 Young Champions of the Earth

Mohamed Abdirahman, 29, of Hargeisa, Somaliland established his own tree-planting program in 2015, the same year he graduated from the University of Hargeisa with a degree in Environmental Science. He is now one of 35 finalists worldwide in the contest for the 2018 Young Champions of the Earth prize.

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First Mover Banks Come Clean on Climate Risk

Eleven of the world’s most influential banks have committed to work with the UN Environment Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) to promote climate transparency in financial markets. The banks will develop analytical tools to strengthen their assessment and disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities.

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Rio Summer Olympics ‘Embrace’ Sustainability

A new set of sustainability measures to support the greening of the Rio Summer Olympic Games were agreed by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics Organizing Committee as far back as 2013. The “Embrace” Rio 2016 plan is based on three pillars: Planet, People and Prosperity.

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World Environment Day Goes Wild for Life

The environmental concerns of the 1970s – industrial pollution of air and water, oil spills, toxic dumps, pesticides, loss of wilderness and biodiversity – inspired people to set aside two distinct days each year for activities aimed at saving the planet. World Environment Day 2016

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2050 Climate Adaptation Costs: $500B a Year

By 2050, the cost of adapting to climate change in developing countries could balloon to $500 billion a year, five times greater than previous estimates, warns a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme.

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