Maximpact Blog

The Sprint to Harness Europe’s Offshore Winds

Europe invested a record amount in new offshore wind farms last year – €26.3 billion – despite the unexpected financial demands of the coronavirus pandemic. These fresh investments will finance 7.1 gigawatts of new offshore wind energy, enough to power 2.13 million homes. But that’s not many compared to the millions of homes in the EU’s future plans.

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North Sea to Host World’s 1st Offshore Wind Power Hub

Denmark, the EU’s largest oil producer, is taking a giant step towards total reliance on green electricity. A coalition of Danish parties announced this week that they will create the world’s first wind energy hub on a custom-built artificial island in the North Sea. Owned by a public-private partnership, the energy hub will collect electricity from offshore windfarms and distribute it to Danish households and to customer countries on the grid.

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Floating Turbines Turn Offshore Winds to Energy

Paris-based wind power developer Eolfi forecasts as much as 16 gigawatts of floating wind energy could be installed off the coasts of France by 2040, if the French government issues commercial-scale tenders for the fast-emerging technology.

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Green Climate Fund Disburses Hope

Just three days before he left office on January 20, U.S. President Barack Obama transferred a second installment of US$500 million to the Green Climate Fund, based in South Korea’s Songdo International Business District.

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USA: 100% Renewables by 2050?

More than 450 organizations, local officials, academics, civic leaders and businesses are calling on Congress to support a shift to powering the United States entirely with renewable energy by the year 2050.

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Green Bond Market Shoots Up

The green bond market reported a worldwide milestone in August when aggregate green bond issuance topped US$150 billion for the first time since the World Bank issued the inaugural green bond in 2008.

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