Maximpact Blog

Why Finance is (and Always Has Been) an Important Sector for Impact Investors

Hand money

If you were asked to guess which sector attracted the biggest proportion of impact investment, which would you say it was? If you chose anything other than financial services, you guessed wrong. Impact investors have been enthusiastic backers of financial service businesses since the early days of social investing. In this blog, the first of a three-part series on impact investing in financial services, we explore the reasons why finance remains such an important sector for impact investors—and what their relationship means for the social investing sector today.

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Social Investing Infographic


Investing Infographic: Terms like “socially responsible”, “ethical”, “green” and “sustainable” investing are everywhere—but what do they really mean? To help clear up the fog around social investing terminology, the Maximpact team has created a handy visual guide.

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How to find impact investing deals (or develop the deals you’ve already got)


The impact and sustainable investing market is a crowded place these days with big business, social entrepreneurs, private investors and governments all getting into the act. Yet investors are still finding deal-sourcing a challenge. At the same time, intermediaries and entrepreneurs are still struggling to develop deals and find partners. So, how can we bring the different parts of the sector together to speed up the pace of change and make more impact?

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30 Must-Follow Twitter Feeds for Impact Investing


The impact investing sector is evolving at lightning speed. It’s an exciting time for all of us, but keeping up with the pace of change can be challenging, even for enthusiasts. In this blog, we feature thirty of the top Twitter influencers in the impact investing space. Add them to your feed and tune in to the latest news and views on impact today.

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A Guide to the Different Types of Social Investing

Those who want to invest their capital for good have a broad—some would say bewildering—range of choices today. Terms like “socially responsible”, “ethical”, “green” and “sustainable” investing are everywhere—and so are a range of investment opportunities. But what do all these words really mean when it comes to investing? And how can investors choose the right approach?

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Ashoka financing agency, FASE, closes first impact deal

von unruh

Social entrepreneurship pioneer Ashoka launched the Financing Agency for Social Entrepreneurship GmbH (FASE) to make growth of social enterprises financially viable in Germany. Now FASE has successfully closed its first deal, financing the efforts of German social entrepreneur and Ashoka Fellow Attila von Unruh (pictured).

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The New Energy Landscape: A Roadmap for Impact and Sustainable Investors


New research has added fuel to the debate about energy use and climate change. It’s more urgent than ever for impact and sustainable investors to put their capital where it will make a difference. In this article, we chart the new landscape of energy investing and provide insights into where to look for the best, most impactful places to place your capital.

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Transforming Poverty into Sustainable Prosperity through Agri-business and Agro-processing


Like in many regions around the world, poverty is the scourge that’s destroying disadvantaged communities in the Overstrand region of the Western Cape – South Africa. One of Maximpact’s latest deals introduces their innovative Agri-business and Agro-processing solution for a social enterprise with commercial business activities, whose surplus profits will fund and grow the existing social purpose programmes.

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Maximpact Deals: Recent Successes and Measurable Impact

Since its launch in 2012, Maximpact Deals has had role in developing a number of deals and fostering many productive partnerships. As the platform grows and evolves, it’s becoming clear that there are many benefits to our open collaboration model. In this blog we summarize some of our recent successes.

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Thinking Systemically About Water: An interview with J. Carl Ganter

Water sector investments continue to be high on the wish-list of many impact investors. But what are the wider issues surrounding investment in water? Maximpact talks to J. Carl Ganter, award-winning CEO and Founder of Circle of Blue and member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Water Security.

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Liquid Assets: Impact Investing in the Water Sector

Liquid Assets: Water is a hot issue in investing circles these days. Once considered a free natural resource, water is increasingly a focus for finance and speculation—hardly surprising in a world where water stress is a reality, global demand for water is on the increase and investment in water-related infrastructure is urgently needed.

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Water Sector Spotlight Deal: HydroMentia

Imagine a water treatment technology that costs less than traditional chemical treatment methods but which improves water quality by delivering low treatment levels using a natural and sustainable solution. Our latest spotlight deal—HydroMentia—can do just that.

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Funding Water and Sanitation Business at the Bottom of the Pyramid

The global water and sanitation crisis claims more than 3 million lives every year, mostly in communities at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid. But what can impact investors do to help? Guest blogger Katie Bessert reports on research into new ways to fund SMEs in the water and sanitation sector.

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