Maximpact Blog

IUCN Conservation Congress: Planet at the Crossroads

“The IUCN Congress will set the course for using nature-based solutions to help move millions out of poverty, creating a more sustainable economy and restoring a healthier relationship with our planet,” said World Bank Group president Jim Kim, as the conference opened in Honolulu September 1.

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Children Sue for Climate Justice

A pioneering constitutional climate change lawsuit is being brought by children, ages 8-19, against the federal government in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon in Eugene.

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Turning CO2 Into an Asset

As the climate heats up, scientists and engineers are finding new ways to lessen the impact of fossil fuel combustion on the climate – both by sequestering the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted and by producing electricity with this most prevalent greenhouse gas.

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Today Is Earth Overshoot Day 2016

Earth Overshoot Day this year falls on August 8. Today, humanity’s demands on nature this year exceed what the Earth can regenerate before year’s end calculates the international sustainability think tank Global Footprint Network, the international conservation group WWF and more than 30 other partners.

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Achieving Urban Water Security

Numerous cities around the world are at risk of water insecurity – the inability of a population to safeguard sustainable access to adequate supplies of good quality water – as a result of climate change and the various impacts of urbanization.

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India, World Bank Empower Sunshine Nations

A new global focus on renewable energy to avert climate change got a burst of financial power in June as the World Bank Group signed an agreement with the International Solar Alliance – 121 countries led by India – to mobilize US$1 trillion in investments by 2030.

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In Search of a Water-Wise World

Water scarcity is a real and present danger for the two-thirds of the global population – four billion people – who live without enough water for at least one month of each year. Half a billion face severe water scarcity all year round.

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World Environment Day Goes Wild for Life

The environmental concerns of the 1970s – industrial pollution of air and water, oil spills, toxic dumps, pesticides, loss of wilderness and biodiversity – inspired people to set aside two distinct days each year for activities aimed at saving the planet. World Environment Day 2016

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Extinction Stalks Meat-Eating Carnivores

The African lion faces extinction by the year 2050, wildlife experts project, at risk due to indiscriminate killing in defence of human life and livestock, habitat loss, and prey base depletion from poaching and illicit trade.

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2050 Climate Adaptation Costs: $500B a Year

By 2050, the cost of adapting to climate change in developing countries could balloon to $500 billion a year, five times greater than previous estimates, warns a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme.

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Germany Joins Asian Bank for Climate Action

The Government of Germany and the Asian Development Bank Monday announced their intention to launch an Asia Climate Finance Facility (ACliFF) in 2017. The announcement came on the first day of the ADB’s 49th Annual Meeting, the first ever held in Germany, the bank’s biggest European shareholder.

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Carbon Pricing Gathers Momentum

“There is a growing sense of inevitability about putting a price on carbon pollution,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim on the eve of the April 22 signing ceremony at UN Headquarters of the Paris Climate Agreement.

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One Billion Take Part in Earth Day 2016

As Earth Day approaches its 50th anniversary in 2020, the Earth Day Network has set five major goals. Planting trees is the first; this year volunteers plan to plant 7.8 billion trees. Valuable as it is, tree planting is not the only global push planned for Earth Day.

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