Maximpact Blog

Best Twitter Hashtags for Following Trends in Impact Investing


Using #hashtags (the metatags that categorize tweets) is a great way to tune into conversations in the impact investing sector. Here at Maximpact, we try to keep up with the evolution of impact in its broadest sense, so we use many different Twitter hashtags in our social media. Here are some favorites we find ourselves using on a daily basis.

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Maximpact Deals: Recent Successes and Measurable Impact

Since its launch in 2012, Maximpact Deals has had role in developing a number of deals and fostering many productive partnerships. As the platform grows and evolves, it’s becoming clear that there are many benefits to our open collaboration model. In this blog we summarize some of our recent successes.

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Calling All Experts: Register Now!

Maximpact invites experts and consultants from all industries, positions and sectors of focus to register now as members of our exciting new project development area, Maximpact Eco.

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