Maximpact Blog

Master grant proposal writing: Sign up for online training

Master Grant Proposal Writing

For many organisations and non-profits, the ability to write grant proposals is fundamental to success. Acquiring grants gives organisations the financial means to pursue projects and stay afloat, and therefore the ability to write a grant is a critical business requirement.

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EU Helps Turkey Shelter Four Million Refugees

Almost four million registered refugees live in Turkey – Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans, Iranians, and Somalis, among others – making Turkey the country with the highest number of refugees in the world. Almost half of them are children.

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How do NGOs change people’s lives? Read Joyce Mary’s heartening story

Joyce Mary’s story is a heartening one. It shows how a little help can go a long way when there are people as enterprising and entrepreneurial as she. And the vast majority of people in poor communities in Africa have this amazing ability to be business people in their own right. Joyce Mary talks about her “business dream coming through” with the help she got from WOWNI.

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How can your NGO organize ToT training?

NGO’s by their very nature are not concerned with the accumulation of wealth. Whether you are classed as charitable, community based, national or international, the outlook and goals are usually far more long term.

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NGOs Grow With Maximpact’s Training-of-Trainers

The Maximpact Training-of-Trainers program will graduate a competent and enthusiastic staff of trainers equipped with the skills and resources to transform local areas through sustainable agricultural methods tailored to local conditions and cultures.

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