Maximpact Blog

New Multi-Layer Solar Cell Sets World Record

A new kind of solar cell has captured the world record for the highest solar conversion efficiency at 47.1 percent efficiency in the lab and nearly 40 percent in the field, making new kinds of environmental solutions possible. The new solar cell outperformed typical solar panels by combining six kinds of collectors into one micro-thin surface.

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Solar Power Comes of Age Across the World

Solar is already the world’s fastest-growing power generation source, and the future looks bright for the widescale adoption of solar power. As this decade nears a close, the national trade association for the U.S. solar industry has designated the next decade The Solar+ Decade.

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Trending Discovery Clears CO2, Creates Energy

The work of a chemistry professor in Florida who discovered a way to turn greenhouse gas into clean air and produce energy at the same time has attracted the most attention of all the thousands of science news items posted last year on EurekAlert!

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India, World Bank Empower Sunshine Nations

A new global focus on renewable energy to avert climate change got a burst of financial power in June as the World Bank Group signed an agreement with the International Solar Alliance – 121 countries led by India – to mobilize US$1 trillion in investments by 2030.

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Hydricity: Zero Emission 24/7 Solar-Water Power

American and Swiss researchers are proposing a new integrated “hydricity” concept – one that generates electricity with solar energy and also produces and stores hydrogen from superheated water for round-the-clock power generation whether the sun is shining or not.

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