Maximpact Blog

Hope for the Hungry

Hundreds of millions of people throughout the world go to bed hungry while at the same time, a third of the world’s food is wasted, say the number-crunchers at the United Nations food agencies. But there is hope for the hungry.

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Achieving Urban Water Security

Numerous cities around the world are at risk of water insecurity – the inability of a population to safeguard sustainable access to adequate supplies of good quality water – as a result of climate change and the various impacts of urbanization.

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Rio Summer Olympics ‘Embrace’ Sustainability

A new set of sustainability measures to support the greening of the Rio Summer Olympic Games were agreed by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics Organizing Committee as far back as 2013. The “Embrace” Rio 2016 plan is based on three pillars: Planet, People and Prosperity.

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In Search of a Water-Wise World

Water scarcity is a real and present danger for the two-thirds of the global population – four billion people – who live without enough water for at least one month of each year. Half a billion face severe water scarcity all year round.

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Act Local, Think Global: Three Ways to Ignite Positive Environmental Change  Arlington, VA – Friday, April 22, 2016 – In observance of Earth Day, the international conservation organization Rare is offering up three easy ways you can be a catalyst for global change. The strain on the Earth’s natural resources poses an increasing threat to […]

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Jordan’s Refugees Must Drink

Jordan, one of the world’s driest countries, is dumping much of its water into the sand – allowing 76 billion liters a year to flow from broken pipes, according to an assessment by the nonprofit aid organization Mercy Corps.

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Building in Many Shades of Green

Increasing consumer demand has pushed the world’s green building market to a trillion-dollar industry, a surge that has led to a parallel increase in the scope and size of the green building materials market, now expected to reach $234 billion by 2019.

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Nonprofit Lawyers: It’s not an Oxymoron, It’s ELAW

The nonprofit Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) is the go-to organization for 300+ lawyers in more than 70 countries who act as environmental defenders. Sunny Lewis gives us an insight to some of their most important work to date around the world.

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